Saturday, October 4, 2014

General Conference

Today I learned so much from conference, it was amazing. However, my favorite talk was Elder Uchtdorf from the Priesthood section of the conference. He made an analogy between a particular part in the last supper when Christ said that one of the twelve would betrayed him and each of the apostles asked if it was him the one. Elder Uchtdorf taught that we need to be like those apostles and evaluate ourselves. We need to stop judging and looking for flaws in others and start evaluating our own progression in life. As students sometimes we start judging other because of their grades or how participative they are in class. As we start to compare with those student me stop focusing on us and our grades start to decrease. I had an experience like last semester in an economics class. Instead of trying my best on class, my goals was to get a grade better that a friend. I ended the class if a lower grade if I had study.

Another point that I taught from this story is to be open for learning. As the apostle asked “It is me Lord?” They are not only evaluating themselves but also open to learn.  We need to be open to learn new things. Sometimes we are so focus in tradition or the way a particular teacher taught that concept that we do not open our minds to learn a different way to do thing. As student we learn only theories and things should work but in real life never works the way books teach us. Therefore we need to be open to new ideas and form of doing things.

From all this things that I learn from Elder Uchdorf talk I will start comparing me with different student and just start given my best in class. And I will be open to learn new things every day even if it is a new word.


  1. This is a great lesson we can learn. We do need to be humble. I remember hearing the saying that being humble is not thinking less of ourselves, but thinking less of ourselves. As we stop comparing ourselves to others, this becomes much easier. Not comparing ourselves to others also eliminates some of Satan's most successful attempts to drag us down. This truly is a great way to become a better person.

  2. I really liked that talk too, president uchtdorf finds ways to gently share very strong messages. I always love his talks!

  3. This was my favorite talk from all of conference! It really made me open my eyes and look more inward. We need to be humble and try everything we can to be able to better ourselves. Life is hard but if we do everything we can to better ourselves, then we will receive help from our Heavenly Father. This was a great message. Thanks!

  4. This was one of my favorites as well! I really enjoyed the lesson that President Uchtdorf taught by quoting when the apostles said "Lord, is it I?" I think that we all could do a little better by wondering how we can improve ourselves and what we can do better. I like what you said about thinking about what we can do better instead of wondering what others around us could do better. This was a great post!
