Friday, October 24, 2014

What It is Wrong?

What It is Wrong?

This week I felt the dumbest person of the earth. I had two midterms and I had study a lot to each of them. I was feeling very confident when I was in line on the test center. In my mind everything was going to go well and I would get an A at the end. However, the end was not as I imagine. When a left the testing center I saw that I got the worse grade I ever got since I started BYU. I don’t know how to describe those feeling. I walked home think what I did wrong? I went to bed really disappointed with me. I taught through everything to see what I did wrong. After, an hour of my wife seeing me like that she said: “Bryan, sometimes things just don’t work out. We need to accept and move on” Those words really comforted me and they are true.

So I learn that wrong things happen and they will not happen only once. The will have several failures in our life. So we need to learn to deal with disappointment.

Now What? I will try to remember that sometimes thing just don’t work out but before accepting that I will work harder than ever to make things right.  


  1. Man, I definitely know how that feels. Wish I had a wife to give me some uplifting when things go bad haha. but everytime something bad happens to me, for me at least, I see where I deserved it and how i can improve. but sometimes God just deals you a hard hand to play with.

  2. Yeah, we all have hard times. Sometimes it seems wrong that those who work hard and do the right things still have trials and things don't go well. Take Job for example.

    I think a great part of how others perceive us is not based on what we accomplish, but how we deal with and overcome our trials.

  3. The real test is, Did you learn something? Are you a better person now because of what happened? Sometimes we grow through success and sometimes we grow through failure.
