Saturday, October 11, 2014

Are You Protected from Hacks?

WHAT? This week I had a class were we talked about data protection and hacks. I never gave that much importance to computer security and virus because I never had something series happen to my computer. However, during that class we discuss how easy it is to hack computer, IPads, Phones and even cars. That discussion really made me realize that we are really venerable. We read a journal article where the writer sad that today is really easy to get credit card information, steal identity and even enter into the U.S military system and lunch a missile.

SO WHAT? In a world where everything is connected internet. Nobody needs to leave their house to buy, check bank statement or even do groceries. So if someone steal your information they can easily enter in your bank account, change your contracts and open new account in your name.

Now WHAT? I will be more careful when downloading programs and software from the internet and I will scan my computer one a week to see is does have any malware or virus.


  1. YIKES! I forget too often just how easily someone could take advantage of my personal information. Thanks for the reminder to be more careful. Luckily we have honest people, like you, going into the field of technology!

  2. You make such a good point. Many people fall under the trap of believing that since all their accounts online are password protected and everything is protected. That is not true. We really need to find out how secure the sights we are using are and act accordingly. It is never good to give too much information online. If it's out there, people can get to it. Even if it is deleted, people can get to it.We need to make sure we are protecting our privacy.

  3. Bryan, that is a really good insight. I don't think people pay attention to these details, but the damage that could be done is life ruining. I appreciated your comments about what the dangers could be. I know that I have some practices that are less safe that I need to work on as well. So thank you for your insight.
