Friday, September 12, 2014

What You Reap is What You Sow

I watched this video this week and was really inspiring. One thing that this video teach us is the importance of hard work. Some times when we see people that are relatively successful to us we think that he got there by merely luck. However, we can learn though this video that if we want to be successful in life we need to work hard. Just go to school and do what everybody is doing is not going to makes us special. We need to do different things to be successful like: Student during the time that everyone is going to parties, plan when everyone is watching TV and wake up learn when every one is sleeping. Therefore, success comes with a lot of hard work and discipline

To follow the advice of Michael Jordan I will stop creating excuses. The beginning of this semester a start thinking that the junior core of Information System was super hard. I was planning in dropping the major. However, I notice that it is all excuse to avoid hard work. Therefore, this week and the rest of the semester I will stop complaining and start doing the hard work. Because What You Reap is what you sow.


  1. I have always liked the idea of hard work. I don't consider myself particularly smart so I have to work really hard to distinguish myself. A Michael Jordan quote I really like is "I can accept failure; I can't accept not trying." This is sort of the way I approach my life. Work as hard as I can and if I fail, chalk it up as learning experience. My Dad always taught me hard work, integrity, and communication will take you far in life. I really liked your post.

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  3. This is a great point to be raised. I once heard a man say something relevant to what Micheal Jordan is saying. The speaker was talking about ideas and how so many of us have them but do nothing with them. He then went on to say the reason for this is because of a lack of ability to accomplish the idea we had, so we give up. Our job should then be to learn how to do it, rather than throwing in the towel before you even took a step beyond a thought.
