Saturday, November 29, 2014


This week my wife and I went, for the first time, to Las Vegas. We had a lot of fun and we enjoyed every single moment there. However, I learn the importance of not gamble and how addicting it is.

 My first experience gambling was in my honeymoon, where we separate 40 dollars just to play in the casinos of the cruse. In the first 30 minutes we lost all the money. With this experience I could not understand why people would gamble. However, in this trip to Vegas I understood why.

The second experience gambling was in Las Vegas. My wife and I did the same thing that we did in our honeymoon, we took 40 dollars just to play in the casinos. This time we won, we left the casino with 45 dollars. I remember how happy we were. However, the taught that we could win easy money stayed in my head for hours.
I learn that gambling is really addicting and that we should not do it and there is not easy money. If we want to be rich we need to work hard because everything that comes easily also disappear easily.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Hoot Suite

Hoot Suite 

WHAT?? In my presentation, this week, I explain the importance of using Hoot Suite to manage social media. What I learn from it is that social media is more powerful that we can image. Most companies are trying to avoid social media because they thing is not worth it deal with so much information. If you don’t have a tool to manage social media is almost impossible to analysis all comment in every single social media. However, Hoot Suite makes our and every social media managers’ life much easier.

SO WHAT?? The importance of knowing about Hoot suite is that every one of us in 1, 2, 3 or maximum of 5 years will all be working and dealing with the dilemma of using social media. If we know Hoot Suite and how to use it, we will stand out and we can get raise or even promotion just because we know a tool.
NOW WHAT?? To the end of the year, I will learn how to use better my Hoot Suite account and I will try to do analysis about what people think about me grossing all social media platform.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


This week we have been discussing several topics and technology that can help us or our business in this modern days. One of the presentation that really got my attention was about the use of LinkedIn for networking purpose. I have a LinkedIn but I never gave importance to it. I just did because every business person was sing up for one. However, I learn that more than 92% of companies today use LinkedIn for recruiting purpose and more than 80% of the jobs are not listed in the internet. Normally those 80% come for you, and not you for them.  Therefore, I learn the importance of LinkedIn in today’s world and how importance it is to get your net work

So what I’m going to do this week is expend more time improve my LinkedIn and leverage it to get my dream job. Also, I will teller my LinkedIn to the job that I’m looking for and stop to put everything that I did in my life on it.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Kill one Leon a Day

“Kill one lion a day” is a Brazilian cultural sentence meaning just solve one big problem a day. This week was so busy for me that I didn't know want to do. I had so many problem to solve that was hard to find time to do everything. So this sentence came to my every day.

What I learn was that we need to organize our time and focus in one big problem a day. Sometimes we try to change the world in one day, but that is impossible. The big secret is to be constant. We just need to solve, figuratively, one problem, do one big project, or do um mid-term a day. And as we develop this constancy we will have more success and solve more problems in our lives.

Now, I will continue to solve problem but one at a time. I will not be like crazy anymore run all through Provo trying to solve all my problems in one day. Like the Brazilians says “Kill one lion a day”